Obtaining a Ph.D.

Your future will be bright, shape it now!

After a Master's degree at HECTOR School, you can do many things. The degree from KIT is highly valued by many companies and recruiters, so we are sure that you will find your way. In industry, worldwide. Find some alumni voices here about how their studies at HECTOR School affected their careers and where are they working today.
Maybe you'll climb the career ladder or establish new innovations in your company. And maybe your way will be in research and development of new technologies during a doctoral thesis. Get some insights of what our HECTOR School alumni say about their experience obtaining a doctorate.

Occupation and Promotion – does it work?

Questions and Answers
Is it possible to complete a doctorate while working?

Yes! In an ideal case, the topic of your doctorate will have high priority for your employer. At the same time the battery of questions has to have a high scientific pertinence for better prospects of getting accepted to prestigious universities. 

Where do I begin?

Start with yourself! Ask yourself the following the question: Are you enthusiastic about the topic? Does the question have scientific relevance? Do you have the necessary expertise to cover this topic? Are you prepared to make sacrifices in your free time to conduct research and work on your topic? Do you have the courage to accept potential failure?

Whom do I bring on board?

Reach out to your supervisor and also speak to your company’s HR department whether there are any relevant programs for in-service training and cooperation with universities or research institutions. Get an expert from a renowned university interested in your topic.

How do I get started?

Clarify the general conditions with your company: working hours, rules of confidentiality and the regulations on publishing the results. Once you have been formally accepted as a doctoral candidate at a university you’re ready to go and get started! An external doctorate requires a high degree of enthusiasm and motivation from you, as well as initiative, perseverance and self-organization.

What does it offer to me?

Primarily, an enormous acquisition of knowledge in your professional field. At the same time you will make contacts with fellow experts who will broaden your professional horizons. You doctorate title may open up new career opportunities for you! These are benefits well worth the effort, but the added expertise in your field and your personal development are incomparably more worthwhile.

How does the company benefit?

In the best possible case your doctoral research provides solutions to urgent issues in production or innovates new process to improve company processes. Further collaborations and follow-up projects with experts and research institutions can boost to innovation and problem-solving skills for both you and your company. Simultaneously, new possibilities are opened up for the recruitment of talented young employees through these external contacts. 

Where do I find further information?